The whey protein of milk

The whey proteins of milk or WP are a mixture of proteins isolated from whey, the liquid substance created as a byproduct of cheese production. The whey proteins are regularly sold and taken as a dietary supplement. They are divided generally into three major forms: concentrate (WPC), isolate (WPI) and hydrolyzate (WPH). The whey isolate
Probiotics and the term literally means “for life” are ”living micro-organisms” that improve the microbial balance of the host and have beneficial effects on health” (Gut 1991, 32:439-442). Once defined generically”” lactic acid bacteria, probiotics play an important role on the health, of those who take them in an adequate amount, of a beneficial effect

Folic acid in pregnancy

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is not produced by the body but must be consumed through the diet. The daily under normal conditions is about 200 micrograms (mcg). This vitamin is present in some food such as green leafy vegetables, oranges, lemons, kiwi, strawberries, legumes, cereals, liver; However, the processes of cooking and food preparation can
AMINOTONIC EVO: THE ANSWER ‘ESSENTIAL’ TO CORRECT THE NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES OF CHILDREN AND SUPPORT THEM IN THE GROWTH           Aminotonic Evo is the nutritional supplement that, thanks to the balanced composition of amino acids, allows you to give a new impetus to the growth of: • Children with poor growth •
During the winter season the use of antibiotics is intensified which, in case of bacterial infections, they act on different pathogens responsible for the disease, counteracting the negative action. However, if on the one hand exert their action against bacteria responsible for the infection, other organisms also attack the “good” that regulate and maintain the

The correct nutrition in pregnancy

The Ministry of Health states that ‘’The quality of maternal nutrition during pregnancy is one of the factors that can significantly influence the health of the mother and the unborn child, not only during the fetal and neonatal period, but also during the adult life and elderly. It is wise to pay attention to nutrition

Supplements: a growing market

The dietary supplement industry does not seem to be affected by the general crisis of consumption but on the contrary is a growing market. In fact, according to data from Nielsen Market Tracl Federsalus Healthcare for the period February 2013 – January 2014, supplement market has achieved a value of € 1.9645 billion for a

Wellness & bowel disorders

The gastrointestinal tract is populated by a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, commonly referred to as “intestinal flora”. Intestinal flora begins to develop from the early days of life, when the bacteria reach the maximum concentration after about two years to reach a settlement more stable that lasts for a lifetime. The bacterial flora includes about

What are nutritional supplements?

In an increasingly fast-paced lifestyle, where time to plan meals down the list of priorities, demand and increase the use of dietary supplements so as to occupy a space growing on the shelves of health food stores, pharmacies and supermarkets. But what are they and what are exactly nutritional supplements? Dietary supplements are defined by
Today Previtamin Zero presents many new features: graphic in the package has been revamped, an insert has been placed and is now available in the new format of 10 ml. The wording has been updated according to the latest scientific information: Previtamin Zero, multivitamin supplement with zinc specifically for the newborn or preterm low birth